Face verification to help healthcare in Nepal

Useful results at the end of the world ?! Nice project of Benjamin Pasquier involving AI biometric face recognition to help healthcare in Nepal. Congratulations to Benjamin, a brilliant student from our University of Applied Science. Benjamin created a facial recognition web application to facilitate patient monitoring in a Nepalese hospital. At the end of his […]

Artificial intelligence for law

Nice article from La Liberté about the start-up NEUR.ON, which is making its mark at the interface between law and artificial intelligence (AI)! In collaboration with the HEIA-FR, Neur.on has developed a software that allows automated translations in the legal and financial field. Several large law firms have already adopted it! “The tool is based […]

New AI microservices on our iCoService cluster

We are proudly releasing a couple of new Artificial Intelligence microservices! Students, collaborators and even profs are contributing to extending the list of microservices on our Kubernetes cluster. Check them out here: https://icosys.ch/icoservices. All microservices are accessible through REST API following the openapi v3 specification (OAS3).   Flip-ML. The objective of this microservice is to […]

Thematic Session on Collaborative Machine Learning

Prof. S. Rumley organised and chaired a Thematic Session on “Collaborative Machine Learning across IoT, Edge, Fog and Cloud devices for Improved Privacy and Resilience” at the Hipeac Computing Systems Week in Tampere, Finland  #CSWSpring22. The program can be found here : https://www.hipeac.net/csw/2022/tampere/#/program/sessions/7974/

FL – June 1st – Pascal Bruegger

FL talk on Projet HESTIA: Hestia est une plateforme d’échange de données médicales sécurisée composé d’applications mobiles pouvant connecter différents capteurs afin de traiter les constantes médicales d’une personne à des fins de rééducation, de prévention ou de promotion de la santé et ce, dans son lieu de vie.

ICDAR 2021 in Lausanne

Join us at ICDAR 2021 in Lausanne from 5 to 10th of September 2021. As academic sponsor, iCoSys is involved in the organisation of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. This is the main and biggest conference for the research community active in document analysis and recognition, a field of growing importance in the current age of digital transition.