Let’s excavate with some algorithms

Planning deep excavations is a long, complex but a very common task for geo-technical engineers. Through a collaboration of iCoSys and iTec, the Optisoil project uses machine learning to greatly speed up the process of evaluating a given deep excavation configuration.  It also enables new possibilities, such as automatically finding the optimal solution to a […]

New iCoService on board !

The deep learning micro-services library of iCoSys is extending with a NLP multilingual sentiment analysis. Check it out at here More precisely, we have built a polarity detection of text. The polarity is a number between 0 and 1 and texts with polarity values closer to 0 are negative, and positive if closer to 1. […]


iCoSys is proud to present SwissCrawl, the largest Swiss German text corpus to date! The tool was built by Lucy Linder with the supervision of Jean Hennebert & Andreas Fischer and is composed of more than half a million sentences, which were generated using a customized web scraping tool that could be applied to other […]

FREE graphical data analysis tool to fight against COVID-19

How can iCoSys help researchers and clinicians fight against the COVID-19 ? Our colleague Dr Beat Wolf developed with Phenosystems SA a graphical data analysis tool for genetic data since 2012 : GensearchNGS. He expanded it now to include the SARS-CoV2 virus genome, to help researchers and clinicians work against the virus. GensearchNGS allows geneticists to work with […]

Anomalies detection for an Industry 4.0

At iCoSys we bet on an Industry 4.0 future. Lorenz Rychener, Frédéric Montet & Jean Hennebert asked themselves about how to detect anomalies of production machines by using machine learning ? They wrote a reflection about the impact of using machine learning algorithms to increase the reliability of industrial process and also highlight the advantages of such […]

TA-Swiss project results

Technology Assessment Switzerland – TA-SWISS published the results of the project “When Algorithms Decide for Us: The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence” on April 15, 2020. Our iCoSys collaborator Jean Hennebert is a member of the TA-SWISS steering committee and chaired the project support group.

Towards energy efficiency

How much energy is consumed by Switzerland private households ? Our PhD student Frédéric Montet is studying ways to reduce housing energy consumption for the Facility 4.0 project. Here is a clear mind map he built with information from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.


Try our new coronavirus dashboard focused on Switzerland! In a few statistics, you’ll have an overview the virus in our neighboring countries and the world. Developed by our PhD candidate Frederic Montet for his mother. The dashboard is easy to understand and colorblind-friendly.

Andreas Fischer portrait

Our brilliant professor Andreas Fischer has its portrait presented in the HEIA-FR journal. Go learn more about this Pattern Recognition genius and human passionate!