Beyond words with iCoSys

iCoSys is a proud contributor of Cryfe, the software that analyzes the authenticity of your words. This project is a two years old baby, in partnership with CM Profiling, Idiap Research Institute and funded by Innosuisse. Listen to our collaborators dr. Oussama Zayene and dr. Beat Wolf to know more about the work they have been […]

Finishing an Innosuisse project with a presence at the CES 2021

The project ADVANCe is coming to an end after 2 years of development with CM-Profiling and the IDIAP research institute. Over the course of those 2 years, an innovative solution was developed to assists interviewers during job interviews. Based on machine learning algorithms, a complex data analysis platform has been developed from scratch to detect […]

Let’s excavate with some algorithms

Planning deep excavations is a long, complex but a very common task for geo-technical engineers. Through a collaboration of iCoSys and iTec, the Optisoil project uses machine learning to greatly speed up the process of evaluating a given deep excavation configuration.  It also enables new possibilities, such as automatically finding the optimal solution to a […]

New iCoService on board !

The deep learning micro-services library of iCoSys is extending with a NLP multilingual sentiment analysis. Check it out at here More precisely, we have built a polarity detection of text. The polarity is a number between 0 and 1 and texts with polarity values closer to 0 are negative, and positive if closer to 1. […]


iCoSys is proud to present SwissCrawl, the largest Swiss German text corpus to date! The tool was built by Lucy Linder with the supervision of Jean Hennebert & Andreas Fischer and is composed of more than half a million sentences, which were generated using a customized web scraping tool that could be applied to other […]