Join us at ICDAR 2021 in Lausanne from 5 to 10th of September 2021. As academic sponsor, iCoSys is involved in the organisation of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. This is the main and biggest conference for the research community active in document analysis and recognition, a field of growing importance in the current age of digital transition. Cool and fascinating research including AI and Deep Learning will be exposed and discussed during the conference. Visit

The organizers are committed to holding a safe and secure ICDAR 2021. The current COVID situation in Switzerland allows to hold ICDAR 2021 in person. A hybrid mode is setup with both on-site and online participants. More details, updates, and useful links are provided on the News page. You can also follow the conference on Twitter and LinkedIn. A PDF flyer of the conference program can be downloaded here.
iCoSys is a research institute located in Fribourg, Switzerland and with a strong focus on applied Artificial Intelligence (AI).