FL – June 1st – Pascal Bruegger

FL talk on Projet HESTIA: Hestia est une plateforme d’échange de données médicales sécurisée composé d’applications mobiles pouvant connecter différents capteurs afin de traiter les constantes médicales d’une personne à des fins de rééducation, de prévention ou de promotion de la santé et ce, dans son lieu de vie.

Internship Position in AI and software development

Position: In 2022, we will be hosting at iCoSys intership positions for companies active in AI and computer science. The location is either in our premises at iCoSys Fribourg (Switzerland) or in the premises of the company. Required levels of education: currently studying at the Master level or involved in a PhD curriculum. Typical durations are […]

50% Engineer Position in Computer Science

Position: Are you starting your MSE master studies at 50%? Or are you simply looking for a computer science position at 50%? This announcement is for you. The position include, not limited to, full-stack software development, machine learning and assisting bachelor level students for practical work. The start date is between March 1, 2022 and September 1st, […]

PhD Position in AI applied to Industrial Time Series

Position: PhD student position in computer science in AI applied to Industry 4.0. The areas of research may include, but are not limited to, machine learning including deep learning on time series of data produced by industrial production machines. The start date is between January 1, 2021 and August 1st, 2021. Your profile: You hold a Master of […]