Artificial Intelligence at HEIA-FR Open Days

The Artificial Intelligence takes the stage at the Open Day event of the Engineering University of Fribourg. A full AI experience, with interactive exhibits, engaging workshops, and insightful presentations.

AI Days 2024: Advancements, Insights, and Collaborations

The AI Days 2024, hosted by CSIA-PME, showcased cutting-edge AI research and applications across industries like Industry 4.0, Healthcare, and Energy. Featuring distinguished speakers and workshops, the event facilitated connections between SMEs, researchers, and AI enterprises, fostering collaboration and understanding of Swiss AI Center activities.

Les Brainstormings d’Alliance | Maintenance prédictive: des données à l’IA

iCoSys is excited to participate in Alliance’s brainstorming event focused on predictive maintenance with AI. Predictive maintenance is crucial for companies across various industries to prevent financial losses caused by equipment breakdowns or premature replacements. This approach relies on data analysis and artificial intelligence can play a pivotal role. The event on September 28 will feature discussions among industry peers and academic institutions on the automatic collection and management of relevant data for effective predictive maintenance. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Jean Hennebert will deliver a talk on the remaining research challenges in this field.

Best paper award at the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2023

Congratulations to Michael Jungo, PhD student at iCoSys for winning the best student paper award at the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition – ICDAR 2023. The conference took place in San Jose, California, and is considered one of the top conference for the Document Analysis and Recognition – DAR community. The paper, entitled […]

50% Engineer Position in Computer Science

Position: Are you starting your MSE master studies at 50%? Or are you simply looking for a computer science position at 50% min? This announcement is for you. The position includes, not limited to, full-stack software development, machine learning and assisting bachelor level students for practical work. Contracts are typically for a duration of min 1 […]