First IA-telier

iCoSys Launches the First “IA-telier”

iCoSys successfully hosted the inaugural AI workshop (“IA-telier”) in collaboration with the CCIF – Chambre de commerce et d’industrie du canton de Fribourg, the College of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg, and the EMF – Ecole des Métiers Fribourg.

“How to Query My Document Database with AI?”

This was the focus of our first “IA-telier”. Our objective is to bridge the gap between the emerging talents of tomorrow and the innovative IT industry professionals of today.

We are proud to feature Thomas Dagier, a promising young Bachelor from HEIA, and Alec von Barnekow from UTY3, who both showcased remarkable expertise. Additionally, we benefited from the insights of Prof. Dr. Jean Hennebert, representing the vibrant AI research community at iCoSys.

The event was a resounding success, and we are excited to continue this initiative with future AI workshops (IA-Teliers) held on the first Thursday of each month. Mark your calendars for the next session on July 4, 2024, at 7:30 AM at the CCIF!

Our mission is to enhance and boost competitiveness in the AI sector, and we look forward to your participation in our upcoming workshops.

For more information, please visit our LinkedIn post here.

IA-telier IA-telier IA-telier IA-telier IA-telier