4 Patents published with Verisign (CTI)

During the Veriname CTI project, we have been lucky to work with the excellent people at Verisign. From this collaboration, we were able to fill several patent applications. We are now happy to announce that these four patents are now approved and validated. Both the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and European Patent […]

Free-Lunch – Projet TAKE

Chers membres et amis d’iCoSys, Demain 9 mai, lors du Free-Lunch iCoSys, Simon Ruffieux et Christophe Gisler présenteront le projet TAKE effectué en collaboration avec Armasuisse. Au plaisir de vous y croiser ! Lien vers la description du projet : https://icosys.ch/take-tactical-ad-hoc-network-emulation Download the slides of the presentation here.