Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences is fan of Lucy Linder !

The Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences news center presented an article about our brilliant collaborator Lucy Linder and her work at the Berkeley Lab for her Master thesis. Don’t hesitate to learn more about her and her work here : 

iCoSys & Data Science @HEIA

iCoSys is proud to have both its heads of Institute named responsible for the new Data Science major, the latest specialization in the computer science curriculum at Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Fribourg (HEIA-FR) ! The major will be available next September, with Pierre Kuonen leading the Bachelors program and Jean Hennebert leading the […]

Fritz Kutter Computer Science Award won by Lucy Linder

We are very proud to announce that our collaborator Lucy Linder has won the prestigious Fritz Kutter Computer Science Award. This award is given each year from the Fritz Kutter fund managed by the ETH Zürich and honoring the best thesis (diploma, master, doctoral) at a Swiss university. Her work “Using a Quantum Annealer for […]

New student projects hosted at iCoSys are launched

As of mid September 2019, we are proud to host at iCoSys several new student projects that will be realised in our labs: Master level DeepFashion – AI based services for the fashion industry Chatbot Awakening – Deep retrieval chatbots for the press industry Tutory – AI boosted e-learning platform ASHEP – Adaptive scheduling of HEP […]

Conférence Publique | Intelligence Artificielle, Attention à ne pas rater la marche !

Le journal La Liberté, l’entreprise Djebots, l’institut iCoSys de la Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Fribourg et la Haute école de gestion de Fribourg ont lancé le projet AINews “pour faire émerger le journal de demain”. Soutenu par innosuisse, le projet AINews vise à introduire l’intelligence artificielle dans les technologies d’agents conversationnels. Le projet sera […]

Best Scientific Paper Award at the ICPR conference for iCoSys – Learning Graph Distances with Message Passing Neural Networks

Congratulations to our iCoSys colleague Prof. Andreas Fischer! He co-authored with Pau Riba, Josep Llados, and Alicia Fornes a paper that has been acknowledged with a Best Scientific Paper Award at the ICPR 2018 conference in Beijing, the flagship conference for research on Pattern Recognition. The work has been developed during a research visit of […]