ePark – Intelligent Parking System

ePark Intelligent parking system
  • HES-SO
  • Prof. Jean Hennebert
  • Christophe Gisler
  • Sébastien Baudin
  • Alain Schmoutz
  • Antonio Riedi
  • Mobile application
  • Parking management
  • Stochastic models
Our skills
Mobile application. Development and stochastic models of parking occupation.
Reduce the time to find parking. Help cities to plan better parking location.

Our Partners:

  • iimt – University of Fribourg
  • Groupe e
  • Softcom
  • Banque Cantonale de Fribourg
Fonds de Soutien à l’Innovation
11.07.2011 – 31.01.2014

ePark – Intelligent Parking System is a smartphone app allowing drivers to be directed towards parking locations maximizing the probability to find a free parking space. In busy cities, drivers are spending, on average, more than one third of the travel distance searching of a free parking space, leading to wasted oil, extra pollution, stress and economic loss. Further to this, many cities have implemented non-uniform parking plans with diverse time limitations according to city areas. As a consequence, a parking spot found by a driver may not match the expectation, increasing even more stress and frustration.

intelligent parking system web interface
Screenshot of the web interface of the intelligent parking system
intelligent parking system app
intelligent parking system app

ePark – Intelligent Parking System relies on advanced web services to direct drivers towards potential parking locations in busy cities. The application is relying on path finding algorithms that take into account the density of parking, the statistics of hourly and daily occupation and circulation constraints.

An iPhone application has been built covering the city of Fribourg thanks to a partnership between Groupe e, Softcom, Banque Cantonale de Fribourg and the international institute of management in technology. The application lets the community of users send feedbaks on current parking occupation, improving the quality of the parking statistics over time. The application also allows the user to filter out parking propositions according to a set of characteristics, for example time limitation, price, availability of charging stations, etc.