New Innosuisse Project Announcement: RESOUND

Innosuisse Funds RESOUND Project: Enhancing Forecasting of Agricultural Commodities with Trust Metrics

We are excited to announce the commencement of a new Innosuisse-funded project starting in September this year: “Forecasting Price and Quantities of Agricultural Commodities.” This project, a collaborative effort between HEPIA (Geneva), DNEXT (Geneva), and iCoSys, aims to revolutionize the agricultural market through the integration of trust metrics as an innovative feature in forecasting models.

In the field of agriculture markets, the quality of information is central to delivering reliable forecasts and market appraisals. However, this reliability is often compromised due to two main challenges:

  • Data sources are not always trustworthy.
  • Forecasting models must consider heterogeneous data impaired with varying levels of trust.

The RESOUND project, backed by the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse), seeks to overcome these challenges. By involving two schools from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland (HES-SO), RESOUND aims to set a new standard in information quality through the joint learning of trust and forecasting models. This innovative approach, supported by a patent search at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI), will enhance the overall quality of information by continuously learning and understanding which forecasts are reliable based on their sources.

This project is expected to add a new service for our existing customers and open up new market segments. It will leverage key market players and provide a better market understanding through an elevated standard of forecasting quality. The project was supported and submitted by Robert van Kommer, Jean Hennebert, Tewfiq El Maliki, and Nabil Abdennadher.

For more information, please visit the LinkedIn post here and the DNEXT website.

We look forward to this exciting journey and the impactful innovations it will bring to the agricultural commodities market.